5 Reasons Why Your Website May Not Be Converting Sales

5 Reasons Why Your Website May Not Be Converting Sales.jpg
So, you’ve got a website for your business that you are pretty happy with, you’ve got some fab content on your social accounts to help direct your audience to your website, however, you’re just not seeing any converted sales. I get it – I’ve been there - frustrating right?!
To help you, I’ve pulled together 5 helpful tips to help you c

1.      Lack of call to action

This one is SO IMPORTANT.
Here’s a scenario for you… An ideal client recently read your Instagram post about a new service you’ve launched. They head to your website, find their way to the information about the service, get to the end of the page and there is no call to action. They spend the next minute or two trying to figure out how to enquire about this service, they get frustrated when they don’t succeed and give up. They’ve left your website and you’ve lost a potential client.
Moral of the story? ALWAYS add a call to action!
You need to ensure that your website is full of relevant call to actions that will help your visitors easily navigate around and eventually lead them to your enquiry page!
Take a look at your homepage – what are the steps your visitor is going to take after reading the information on this page?
Here’s a small list of my favourite call to actions:
  • “Book Now/Buy Now”
  • “Let’s Work Together”
  • “Discover more”
  • “View my services”
Use a mixture of text links and buttons for the call to actions.
A button works well if you’ve reached a logical end of your paragraph and want your visitor to move on to another page. Links work better if you’ve got more to say but what you’ve said so far could be enough to convince them to move on in their customer journey.

2.     There’s not enough information

Your website is the visual storefront of your brand. It is the most valuable tool in your digital marketing tool kit. You need to make sure that your website gives visitors all the information they need to decide to work with or buy from you.
Unfortunately, just a few pictures, super basic information on your products or a simple list of your services isn’t going to quite cut it. First impressions are EVERYTHING and sadly you won’t receive the ‘wow’ you wanted from a potential customer if your website has hardly anything on it. You want your website to sell you with a fab design (that is consistent with your branding), eye-catching imagery and engaging content.

3.     There’s TOO Much Information!

Having valuable, engaging content on your website is super important, HOWEVER, don’t overkill it will too much information!! There is nothing more off-putting than visiting a website that is just full of text! Nobody got time for that!
People want information like… right now… and they don’t have time for long, descriptive paragraphs about how great your product is. They want to know what your product is, what it does, how it will benefit them, how much it is and how quickly they can have it.
Take a scroll through your website content and ask yourself “Is this adding any value”. If it’s a no, scrap it. Keep it clear and concise so it’s super easy for your visitor to digest.

4.     Your design isn’t mobile friendly

Did you know that It’s estimated that around 52% of all internet traffic is on mobile? This means that you really need to ensure that your website looks sexy on mobile.
When was the last time you went through your website on your phone or tablet to see how it looks? Add this to your to do list right now!
Things to think about whilst you are looking:
  1. Are all your design elements in the right places and look neat?
  2. Are you able to easily navigate around? If you it’s not easy for you, then imagine what your visitors will think.
  3. How do they contact you or purchase a product – is it easy for them to get to?
  4. Are all your images in high res? Blurry shots look unprofessional and can put visitors off.

5.     Your website is taking too long to load.

Google classes a slow loading website as anything over 3 seconds - eesh.
If your website takes longer than this to load then you’re risking visitors becoming bored, frustrated and fed up of waiting and then end up your website.
Pingdom is a free service where you can check the speed of your website and I would highly recommend utilising this. Check all the pages on your site. How bummed-out would you be if your customers made it all the way to viewing your services and then ended up leaving because the enquiry form took too long to load?
There’s a few things you can do to immediately speed up a slow website but you it also could be something more serious like your content or design is causing the slow loading speed. If that’s the case I recommend contacting a web designer to assess the issue and sort it out for you.
By the way - website speed is also vital for SEO so make sure you prioritise this!

I hope these points have been helpful and point you in the right direction to improve your website conversion rates. If you have any questions at all, drop me an email over at daisy@daisycreative.org

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